Life can be saved by donating blood

Blood is an essential part of the mortal body which circulates through the heart and highways to the colorful organs of the body. 

According to medical experts, every adult mortal body has about1.2 gallons to1.5 gallons i.e.4.5 liters to5.5 liters of blood. While in case of any accident, serious illness or surgery, a person may need blood, tube, white cells.

 Blood donations are veritably important and necessary to save precious mortal lives. giving blood to any indigent case is considered as nonstop charity. In Surat all-Maid of the Holy Quran, Allah Almighty has described saving the life of one person as saving the life of the entire humanity. 
Whereas with the help of any other mortal being, one gets peace of mind from the godly power and bone gets relief from all kinds of disasters and losses. numerous people suppose that giving blood has negative goods on mortal health, but this isn't true at all. 
Every healthy person has about one liter( in two to three bottles) of redundant blood in their body.

 Health experts say that every healthy person should contribute blood at least twice a time. There are no negative goods, but the people who contribute blood remain healthy. 

The quantum of blood taken in giving blood is completed by the mortal body in three days, while the blood cells are formed in 56 days and the new blood cells are healthier and stronger than the old blood which protects the person from numerous conditions.

 Are It's also important that after giving blood formerly, it should be given again after three months or so. According to an exploration by the American Medical Association, the chances of heart attack and cancer are reduced by 95 in people who contribute blood periodically. 

Due to the high quantum of iron in the body and its low excretion, iron affects the mortal heart, liver and pancreas, while exploration has proven that giving blood is a veritably useful process to keep the quantum of iron in the body in balance. This process help blood clots in the modes and improves blood inflow in the body. 

Benefactors who contribute blood regularly are less prone to rotundity as blood donation helps reduce body fat and control weight. After giving blood, the conformation of new blood leads to facial revivification and reverses the goods of growing on the face.

 The number of people giving blood in other countries is veritably high but unfortunately in our country there are only 1 to 2 percent of people who contribute blood freely while other people contribute blood in accidents or other serious situations.

 According to health experts, the life of blood in our body is only 120 days, so why not save that blood from wasting, awaken the spirit of service, contribute blood and save someone's life. For safe blood transfusion it's necessary to know the blood group, principally blood groups are divided into four types videlicet A, B, O, and AB with each type further divided into positive and negative. 

Group O blood can be transfused to cases of all groups while group A blood can be transfused to A and AB, group B to B and AB and group AB blood can only be transfused to cases of group AB. While anyone who's between the periods of 17 and 50 times and weighs further than about 50 kg can contribute blood.

In addition, when giving blood, necessary tests are done on the patron, including tests for Hepatitis BC, AIDS, Malaria and Syphilis. are included, due to which the patron becomes apprehensive of any retired complaint before it becomes incorrigible.

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