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How to reHowduce obesity? |
Increases. People are generally considered obese when they have a body mass index of 25.0BMI or higher, a measure of body fat based on height and weight that measures body fat in adult men and women. Applies to over the past two decades, obesity has become more common in Pakistan due to reduced physical activity and consumption of high-fat diets.
High BMI is a risk marker for obesity, a disease commonly found in affluent countries. but now it has established its foothold in poor countries as well.
Obesity is generally divided into three categories based on weight. The first category is mild obesity, which is ten to fifteen percent overweight than normal, the second category is moderate obesity, which is fifteen to twenty percent overweight.
The third category is very obese, which includes More than twenty percent. Another important thing that has come out is the amount of fat on different parts of the body, that is, where the fat is accumulated more.
Fat accumulated on the thighs and hips is less harmful, while fat accumulated on the abdomen is dangerous. It is associated with diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease.
Being overweight is linked to various diseases and conditions, especially heart disease, type 2 diabetes, lack of sleep, some types of cancer, osteoarthritis and asthma. As a result, obesity reduces life expectancy.
A correlation has been found between obesity and depression, with obesity increasing the risk of depression and depression increasing the risk of obesity.
One study found that obese people were at greater risk of developing Covid. Obesity is a leading cause of death worldwide, with increasing rates in adults and children. Obesity is more common in women than in men.
Experts see it as one of the most serious public health problems of the 21st century.
Obesity has individual, social, economic, and environmental causes, including diet, physical activity, automation, urbanization, genetic susceptibility, medications, mental disorders, economic policies, endocrine disorders, and endocrine-disrupting chemicals. If 50 calories are taken more than required per day, the weight can be fifty-two kilograms more than normal in ten years.
People of all ages can develop obesity, but middle-aged people are more prone to obesity.
One of the main causes of obesity is overeating, especially high-fat and sweet foods. Family factors also play an important role in obesity. People who are lazy and avoid work and prefer to sit down to work become obese.
During pregnancy, the mother's weight continues to increase due to the increase in body fat. Prevention of obesity requires a complex system, including interventions at the community, family and individual levels, and implementation of key recommendations recommended by experts in diet and exercise. It can be improved by reducing the intake of rich foods, such as reducing the amount of fat or sugar and increasing the amount of dietary fiber.
Medications may also be used, along with proper diet, to reduce appetite or fat absorption. If diet, exercise, and medications are not effective, gastric surgery may be performed to reduce the volume of the stomach or the length of the intestines.
This can lead to feeling full sooner or reducing the ability to absorb nutrients from food. Losing weight is essential to reduce the negative effects of obesity.
For this purpose, it is necessary to avoid smoking and alcohol along with reduction in fat and carbohydrates in the diet. Remember that diet control can help you get rid of obesity as well as control diabetes and blood pressure.
So if you want to stay healthy, start eating vegetables and fruits instead of sweets and junk food.
Those who are overweight should keep in mind that dietary restrictions will have to be continued to eliminate accumulated fat. It is a common observation that the first few kilos of weight are lost easily and quickly, due to the initial rapid weight loss due to glucose breakdown and water loss, and then the rate slows down.
Because after three to four weeks, weight loss occurs only through the breakdown of adipose tissue, which is a slow process.
Although exercise is important for weight loss, it is not possible to lose enough weight by exercise alone, along with appropriate changes in diet, the patient should know what food to consume in what quantity.
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How to reHowduce obesity?|| Some special precautions.. |
Also, how many calories are found in which food. For example, if a person needs 1,000 calories, he will need 100 grams of starch, 50 grams of protein and 40 grams of fat per day.
Apart from this, it is also important to include various salts and vitamins in the diet.
If we talk about a person weighing sixty kilograms, he needs about thirty calories per kilogram for normal living and daily activities, that is, 1800 calories per day. In other words, it is also called It may be that he needs 1800 calories to maintain a weight of sixty kilograms, but if he wants to lose weight, he has to reduce the amount of calories.
Because the main cause of weight gain is excessive calorie intake and lack of physical activity. If a person who should weigh 60 kg gains weight, he should consume about 1300 calories per day to lose weight.
In this way, one kilogram of weight can be lost in a week but it is very important to take care that the diet should include adequate amount of vitamins, proteins and minerals i.e. it is very important to consume a balanced diet.
When the weight reaches 60 kg, then the diet with 1800 calories should be restored, but take care not to consume more calories because it will increase the weight again. It should be kept in mind that fresh fruits in the diet , fresh vegetables, meat, milk, eggs and adequate amount of fat should be included.
Make one habit the routine of your life and that is regular exercise. Try not to rush into exercise as it is an essential part of life to control and maintain weight.
Nowadays there is a lot of emphasis on dieting which means eating small amounts of food. But remember that There is benefit, but sometimes it also causes irreparable damage to the body. Likewise, appetite suppressants are also used to lose weight.
Thyroid hormones are sometimes used to speed up metabolism, but there is a risk of side effects from using these drugs. Surgery can also be used to reduce fat from certain parts of the body. Gastric bypass surgery, gastric bypass surgery, and small bowel surgery are also effective methods.
Yoga can also help in weight loss. It can help because there are certain yoga asanas that are very effective in losing weight.