A few Home Tips

 Applying garlic water on the head removes head lice. Mixing powdered alum with rose extract and applying it on the face for half an hour at night makes the face soft, delicate and fresh and the blemishes disappear. Consuming radish accelerates bowel movements and thus relieves constipation. By feeding a stone patient with boiled beetroot juice little by little every day, the stone will be removed within a few weeks.

Eating onion in adequate amount daily makes the face red and white. If a person is suffering from frequent vomiting, applying black salt on a lemon and licking it will eliminate this condition. If there is too much salt in the curry, put a piece of clean white paper in the curry, the paper will absorb the salt. To get rid of high blood pressure, grind turmeric, fennel and glucose by weight and eat one teaspoon daily in the morning and shortly before going to bed. It will be beneficial.

There is no better medicine for intestinal strength than olive oil, adding a few drops of it to milk every day will strengthen the intestines. If you need to peel the garlic quickly, soak it in hot water for ten minutes, then peel it, the peels will come off. Women who are worried about missing periods should drink mint juice or mint tea, this problem will go away. If a person is suffering from cough, he can get rid of cough by grinding large cardamom and eating a little bit of it with water in the morning and evening. Drinking a cup of cow's milk daily is very beneficial for the health of hair, nails, teeth and eyes.

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